Monday, April 8, 2013

Legal and Ethical issues

I think that free-access is better than no access because like discussed in this article this may be a better method of perhaps spreading a new film that may not have the means for advertising but that can still trough the use of torrents effectively show their film and perhaps not just film but music as well. Yet at the same time I feel that while doing this one can help out by donating and helping out. I personally purchase everything from movies to music but that is just me.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Security and Privacy

I think that nowadays the issue of our privacy and security is becoming an issue that pertains to everybody because everyone is using the internet and providing some sort of sensible personal information. Without the proper software or awareness of what we are doing we could be left vulnerable to predators seeking our personal information. For instance lets take the Zuckeberg family photo that was filtered through twitter and the article states the photo was not meant for those purposes. Its amazing the way people can get around all these security breaches and create a discomfortable situation to individuals. I feel like we need better control of our privacy and security

Monday, March 11, 2013


I think that the twitter conversations and the blackboard along with the blogs are semmingly the same yet I think that twitter is better because it limits your though to 140 characters and cuts down on alot of unnecessary repetition. I also think that the interaction through twitter is less difficult per say and it seems  realtively easier to navigate through out of the three.
I followed Barack Obama , and the kind of posts that he has are mainly political and political issues taht are affecting us citizens directly.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media

Social media is forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos). And this has become more and more popular among our society as these streams of communications have been evolving. I personally only have a facebook account but rarely post anything on it I mostly text. I sometimes use it but find myself sometimes irritated by it. 
Reading the article  "professor encourages students to pass notes during class via twitter"  has posed a new view and I agree with the professor in that by doing this it opens up the possibility for virtually full class participation along with full-on conversations through out the class. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

World Wide Web

I think that the world wide web will have more extensive work done to it to make it safer and with better surfing efficiency. Along with this www will also be developed and I think that there will be oppotunity to develop it to the point where one would use it more as an app.

Regarding "the cloud" I think that the cloud is going to take over but like in the article "‘The Cloud’ Challenges Amazon" more work needs to be put into it because like it pointed out, we expect our everyday devices to function properly with internet and be able to provide us with our services such as netflix. I personally can say that, this is what I expect when purchasing a product that provides services such as netflix or amazon.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Networks and Communications

There are many advantages to technology and the new gadgets that we have nowadays and despite this I feel there is still more to be done. The GPS is a great technology that has helped many of us but that has also screwed many of us over. When traveling to unknown places it is the first thing we think of. But like pointed out in the article "Belgian Woman’s GPS Leads Her on 900-Mile Detour" sometimes it is not the most accurate. Even though we rely on it I have experienced that sometimes the GPS may fail and not send you to your destination. 

I think that the GPS needs more work because routes are being modify every year and update more

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hi my name is Gregorio but I like to go by greg. This is my second year here at Northestern. I graduated from Walter Payton in 2010. I took a year off to travel and work. I know the basics to computer, nothing fancy. I look forward to learning new things during this course.