Monday, February 18, 2013

World Wide Web

I think that the world wide web will have more extensive work done to it to make it safer and with better surfing efficiency. Along with this www will also be developed and I think that there will be oppotunity to develop it to the point where one would use it more as an app.

Regarding "the cloud" I think that the cloud is going to take over but like in the article "‘The Cloud’ Challenges Amazon" more work needs to be put into it because like it pointed out, we expect our everyday devices to function properly with internet and be able to provide us with our services such as netflix. I personally can say that, this is what I expect when purchasing a product that provides services such as netflix or amazon.


  1. Hello Greg. I agree with you. When I use a product, especially if I paid for it, I expect for it to run without a glitch. With Cloud Computing being so new, who would of thought that the server would have limitations. This just shows that even the internet has limitations. I hope they were able to extend their server parameters so that next Christmas this won't happen again.

  2. there is eventually more work needed to develop a more secure and efficient clouds.
